You are successful in online business as a blogger or affiliate marketer. Every day Your Bank account click passive income approximate £ 500-1000 . Imagine your passion is for example golf. You can play golf every day if you are big golf maniac or you can spend time with doing something what do you like, with friends, family etc.
Maybe you will tell me: "Fantastic Imagination but no possible to achieve it." I will ask you, why? I also know your answer.
" I haven’t time.......I am very busy......, I am too old......, I don’t know anything about online business....I am not family with technologies.....etc."
This everything could not be problem, if you want something so very much.
I love golf and I am working on having more time for golf, for my family, for traveling .....
Can you do the same? Answer is no or yes. It depends how much do you want this change.
It can be anything what do you want or what do you dreaming about. I know some people they achieved this freedom. Just take action educate and don’t give up.
I will tell you some examples. You like golf very much, but you have time to play golf just one or two times in Month. There are also a lot of people, but they have time to be on the course often.
Golf Is one of the most popular sports in the world and that position has only been strengthened due to the recent corona virus pandemic.
With the popularity of the niche comes a huge amount of opportunity for bloggers, marketers, influencers, and social media gurus to make a killing with golf through " affiliate marketing".
Golf is considered a rich man’s sport and its fans are willing to spend money to learn and improve at the game so let’s take a look at a couple of the reasons why golf is such an attractive niche for affiliate marketers.
Not only are people playing golf and watching golf, but they are also betting on golf, getting lessons, buying digital products and constantly reading and watches tutorials and ways to improve at the game.
They are also travelling all around the world to stay at luxurious golf resorts, play the best courses and get some sunny golf during the winter.
Golf is not only an incredibly popular sport, it has huge and diverse search volumes that make it an attractive niche for any would be bloggers and affiliate marketers.

People who play golf tend to be in higher income brackets, the spend money on equipment, travel, and green fees, leaving plenty of opportunity for affiliate marketers to come in and make some money.